Weather Blogger blog as well a Wordpress page or website page. Mostly of the pages are used to create about page / profile, contacts, tos, privacy, the page list of services provided, including the product price and features (usually for a sales sites), and others.
Before we start the tutorial how to make a page in blogger, edit and delete, it must be good if you read the tutorial how to start your own blog: create post on blogger first, because that post is associated with this post. And for a description of the page form functions of page content is in the post, because its function is same.
Tutorial How to Make a Page In Blogger
Ok, let's start the tutorial how to make a page in blogger, and to create pages in blogger first step we have to do is visit the site then log in.If you have successfully entered the blogger dashboard, click the triangle icon and then click the Pages menu (see picture).
So you're taken to a new page, and on the new page please click on Create New Page or may also click the New Page menu.
Then you will be brought goto page creation, please write the title and the content of the page you want to create and publish it.
Before deciding to publish the page contents I remembered you to recheck your writing, who knows there's any word or sentence that need to be repaired. You can click the Preview button to see it directly in the blog. And if it is ready to be published, please click Publish.
Congratulations, it's done. Your blog has a new page, you can add another page if necessary.
And also, if you want to know the functions of buttons on making page then please read the tutorial how to create a post on blogger.
How to Edit and Delete Pages in Blogger
After learning tutorial how to make a page in blogger, so it's good we also know how to edit and delete the exist pages, whether it's already published or still in draft, the ways are:Click the Page menu (if it is out then please sign in again and click the Pages menu), after that you will be taken to a page listing all pages that there are either already published or not.
Hover the cursor over the title of the page you want to edit / delete, it will show an additional menu:
Edit | View | Share | DeletePlease click the menu you want to use, click Edit if you want to edit the page, click View if you want to see the page, click Sharing if you want to share that page to your Google+ profile, and click Delete if you want to delete the page.
So, that's a tutorial how to make a page in blogger, edit and delete that I can write on this post.
How do you think of it? Is it ease enough to create pages on blogger as well as edit and delete pages in blogger?
Hopefully this article useful for you bloggers.